Whether you own one or rent one, a home is your pace where you should be able to live as you like, without any hassles. To be a happy tenant, it is important to make the right choices from the beginning. Here are a few tips that you must keep in mind when renting a property.
Opt for a home with the amenities you need
It is tempting to choose a house for its aesthetic appeal rather than for the amenities and utilities it has. Avoid giving into that temptation if you want to live comfortably. No matter how well developed the area is and how beautiful the house may look from the outside, it won’t keep you comfortable without the desired amenities like air conditioning, heating or gas.
Talk to existing tenants
Don’t feel shy to ask around about the property you wish to rent. Talk to the agent and ask what you want to know. If you are not sure the agent is being forthcoming, talk to the existing tenants and neighbours. Be polite and people will not mind answering a few questions that could help you make a decision.
Rent may not always be negotiable but you won’t know that unless you ask. If you really like a house and think that it pushes you a little above your budget, talk to the agent. Ask them if there is a possibility to negotiate the rent, and under what conditions that can be done. The landlord may not necessarily agree with your offer, but you don’t lose anything by asking.
Read the fine print
When you rent a property, make sure there is a lease or rental agreement in place. Take time to read the fine print thoroughly before signing it. This will help you avoid any kind of hassles with the agent or landlord in the future. Should any point be unclear or ambiguous, make sure you get it clarified before signing the document. If you neglect reading the terms and conditions, you could end up paying more than what you bargained for.
Know your rights
Every land has laws that serve the rights of landlords and tenants. It is helpful to know these laws to learn about your rights as well as obligations. The laws will also prevent you from being duped by the landlord.
Looking to rent? Contact us for more advice and tips on renting in real estate.