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Study shows why Perth landlords need to maintain properties
A NEW ABS housing and mobility study has revealed that residents in Perth are very mobile with around 33% or one third having lived in…
Read MoreHot tips on buying a home for single people
SINGLE PEOPLE are becoming one fastest growing segment of the housing market. ABS Census figures over the last two decades show that the proportion of…
Read MoreSummer is a great time to sell
SUMMER IS the best ‘window of opportunity’ period in the home selling calendar to achieve the best prices for property for sale. The summer months traditionally…
Read MoreUprgraders storm market during October
PROFESSIONALS REAL ESTATE GROUP has recorded a surge in activity by upgraders during October 2009. According to David Hobbs, CEO of Professionals, sales of properties in…
Read MoreLocal real estate agent fights breast cancer with innovative Facebook campaign
IF YOU are on Facebook, you could help the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) find a cure for breast cancer. Every day in Australia, more…
Read MoreUrgent call for pink ribbon breakfast support
THE PROFESSIONALS Real Estate Group will once again host Western Australia’s biggest Pink Ribbon Breakfast to raise money for breast cancer research. The fundraiser will be…
Read MoreProfessionals set new record in WA real estate industry
PROFESSIONALS HAVE set a new benchmark in the Western Australian real estate industry by yet again winning the category for “Top Franchise, Marketing and Referral Group”…
Read MoreProfessionals take the lead on electrical safety
PROFESSSIONALS REAL Estate Group will host a forum for its 60 member offices across Western Australia next week to outline new State Government regulations to…
Read MoreProfessionals Group sets up in Pinjarra
PINJARRA’S PHENOMENAL growth has attracted real estate industry leader Professionals Real Estate Group, with the local community being offered a never-before-seen level of service backed by…
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