If you believe that a fixed price sale was the only way to go about your property sale, it may come as a surprise that there are a variety of sale methods you can employ. Talking to one of our experienced agents from Professionals Real Estate is a great way to determine which sale method is best for you. Take a look at your options:
Private treaty sale
This is the most common sale method followed and one that you are probably familiar with. Here, you set a fixed sale price and any buyer can express interest and start negotiations with you to complete the sale. The fixed price ensures that buyers can gauge if the home falls within their budget before they initiate the discussion. The price also gives a prospective buyer and you, the seller, a starting point for negotiations. Since all buyers are eligible for the purchase, you have several buyers competing for your property and you get to choose the one offering the best price. The lack of a specific time window to complete the sale within, eliminates any urgency in the sale process.
Auctioning your home
An auction is also a sale option you should consider, especially if you want to attract highly motivated buyers within a very short span of time. Since you do not set a price in an auction, you may be able to garner far more than your expectation, particularly if there are several highly competitive buyers making a bid for your home. Also, you get the sale price immediately since an auction is a cash sale. The limited time window to complete the sale may work in your favor by prompting the buyer to finalize the deal instantly, pre-empting the risk of it falling through at negotiations stage.
Sale by tender
As a sale process that has a closing date and allows all buyers to participate by making their individual offers, a tender is a good way to retain privacy throughout the process. Unlike an auction, the time pressure is less when you opt for a sale by tender. There is still the option of negotiating with the buyers after the tender has closed. Both conditional and unconditional buyers can participate in the tender and this means your reach in the marketplace is quite comprehensive.
Different sale methods may be suitable for different property owners depending on the market conditions, the property itself and, most importantly, the seller’s unique needs. An experienced agent from our Professionals Real Estate Group can help you determine which method will suit your requirements best and deliver the kind of results you desire with your property sale.
Wondering how you should go about selling your property? We can help! Get in touch with us today.