Order of Australia Medal Awarded to One of Our Own - Professionals Real Estate

Order of Australia Medal Awarded to One of Our Own

Professionals Real Estate Latest News 14th February, 2019 No Comments

It’s not often we get the opportunity to congratulate Professionals Members on their incredible achievements outside of our industry, because most often we don’t know about it!

Thanks to a tip-off from someone close to him, we have come to learn that our Fremantle Principal, John Alberti, has been awarded an Order of Australia Medal. This is no small feat and with John being the humble man that he is, we believe he deserves to have the recognition of his Professionals family acknowledging his tremendous achievement.

An Order of Australia Medal is awarded each year to people for their outstanding contributions to their community. For John to have the ability to run a real estate business on top of his commitments listed below, as well as be grandfather to six granchildren, is something to be applauded in its own right!

John’s community involvement includes:

  • Former Fremantle Council Board member for 8 and a half years.
  • The historic Fishing Fleet Festival Association including an annual event called “Blessing of the Fleet”.
  • Vice President of the Italian Village Fremantle and retirement/nursing home with 100 beds looking after both low and high care patients.
  • Vice President of the Fremantle Italian Club, a community centre for Italians hosting functions, quiz nights, dragon boat racing and fundraising events etc.
  • Board member of Australian National Family of Migrants or ANFAM which helps elderly Italians who have lost a partner or who have health issues with regular outings, bingo etc.
  • Committee member of Black Dog on a Lead, which helps young people who are disassociated from families, have mental health and depression issues and troubled teens get back on track through events, meetings and functions, connecting them with appropriate services.
  • President of Fremantle Association of Justices which runs four member based offices around Perth. They essentially run a forum for JP’s to discuss the needs of community and organise a roster of court work and witnessing documents etc.
  • Board member of the Business Foundations WA which helps business owners start, run and grow their ventures.
  • Board member of Beacon Hill Retirement Village and is also the appointed selling agent for them. Smaller aged care facility with 28 2-3 bedroom units.

On behalf of Professionals Group Australia and Members across the country, we congratulate John on this well-deserved recognition. John will be presented his award in early April at an Investiture Ceremony held at Government House.